Earth First Infotec Leads the Way in Blu-Ray Replication

Released on: March 12, 2008, 4:20 am

Press Release Author: Allan Hall

Industry: Computers

Press Release Summary: Earth First Infotec Business Development Manager Allan Hall,
is clearly excited about the leaps in DVD replication over a relatively short time.
"Media technology has definitely moved to the next level. The Blu-Ray Disc, or BD
as it's become known, can hold 6 to 10 times the amount of a normal DVD - all in
high definition digital quality."

Press Release Body: Earth First Infotec Business Development Manager Allan Hall, is
clearly excited about the leaps in DVD replication over a relatively short time.
"Media technology has definitely moved to the next level. The Blu-Ray Disc, or BD
as it's become known, can hold 6 to 10 times the amount of a normal DVD - all in
high definition digital quality."

The increased capacity and quality may be welcome news to any organisation or
individual considering dvd replication, wanting to provide a higher quality user
experience. "Although the Blu-Ray discs are more expensive, this can be off-set by
the significant increase in capacity and superior visual quality", Mr Hall

Sony's Blu-Ray Disc recently won a long, intense and obscenely expensive battle to
determine which format will take media into the future. On one side was the High
Definition DVD driven by Toshiba and on the other was the Sony-backed Blu-ray Disc.
Any industry with an interest was paying careful attention to developments. Many
business decisions, especially those involving capital expenditure, were put on hold
until the outcome was reached.

The format war between the two factions reached a climax at the beginning of 2008.
After years of wrangling, at one stage even involving the US Justice Department,
Toshiba finally announced it was pulling out of the race on 19 February 2008. One
of the main reasons was that several major international retail stores had withdrawn
HD DVD from their inventories.

It seems Blu-Ray is the future way!
For more information see

Web Site:

Contact Details: client name Allan Hall
phone no. +64 6 7511163
address 59 Breakwater Road, New Plymouth, New Zealand
fax +64 6 7511162
zip code 4601
company name Earth First Infotec Ltd
state New Plymouth
country New Zealand

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